Meeting Recorder Plus – recording hints - 122

Using the Smart Microphone

Smart Microphone is a feature introduced by Meeting Recorder Plus designed to minimize or eliminate the microphone-speaker echo feedback when recording. This situation occurs on Windows computers when the microphone enhancements are not available or don’t work. Windows provides echo cancelation but this feature only works with Windows default speakers and microphone devices. This means, both devices must be stereo and have the same sample rate (48000Hz or 44100Hz).

Obviously, a simple way to eliminate the echo is using headphones instead of the computer speakers. However this may not be always convenient unless Bluetooth headsets are utilized.

Smart Microphone option can be used to minimize or eliminate echo when recording..

Step 1 – Enable Smart Microphone

Open SETTINGS, click Smart Microphone. Here you have a few options

1. Mute remote audio volume when recording
2. Lower remote audio volume when recording
3. Lower remote volume with clicks whenrecording
4. No audio volume change

Step 2 – Select an option

Select option #2 to lower the speaker volume for the entire duration of recording. This lowers the signal that goes back into the microphone generating echo. The initial volume is restored when recording is closed. The microphone can be turned ON for the entire recording session.

Select option #3 to restore / lower the speaker volume when you click the Smart Microphone button. Click the Smart Microphone when the remote speaks to turn OFF the microphone and eliminate echo, click again to turn ON the microphone when you speak. The speaker volume will automatically lower to minimize echo. The initial volume is restored when the microphone is ON.

This feature will be fully automated in the next versions.

Step 2 - Select the amount to lower the volume

Use the percentage box to enter the percentage decrease of volume level. Suggested value, 50%.

Step3 – Enable/Disable beeps

When you click the Smart Microphone one or two beeps are generated such that the remote is acknowledged the microphone on on or off.